The world’s longest-lasting (or longest-observed) rainbow was seen over Sheffield, England on March 14, 1994 it lasted from 9am to 3pm. (If there were ever an opportunity to secure a pot of gold!)
“Rainbow” comes from the Latin arcus pluvius, meaning “rainy arch.” In Greek and Roman times, it was believed that rainbows were a path created by the goddess of the rainbow, Iris, linking us to the immortals. The Telegraph explains the magic as such: "Each raindrop acts as a tiny, imperfect mirror. When the sun is right behind you its light passes through the raindrops in front of you, reflects off their rear surface and bounces back at you. The light is refracted or “bent” slightly as it passes from the air into the water; and again as it bounces back into the air again. The different wavelengths that combine to make daylight are “bent” by different amounts (42º for the red end of the spectrum, a shade less for the violet). Each raindrop acts as both prism (refraction) and mirror (reflection)."
Double rainbows occur when light bounces inside the water droplet more than once before escaping, the spectrum of the second arch will be reversed. Sometimes third or fourth rainbows can be seen. Rainbows can occur in mist, fog, sea spray, waterfalls and anywhere where light meets water in the sky and the angles are conducive. There are also rare moonbows, made at night by the light of the moon … though our eyes read these as white. This is a very good time to look for unicorns.
Weight: 4G
Material: Crystal
Accent Color: Rainbow
Product Type: Gift
Gift Type: Centerpiece
Height: 16 inches
Weight: 4G
Material: Crystal
Accent Color: Rainbow
Product Type: Gift
Gift Type: Centerpiece
Height: 16 inches